New Orleans Redevelopment Authority (NORA) Request for Qualifications Façade RENEW Architectural Technical Design Assistance Services

New Orleans Redevelopment Authority (NORA)
Request for Qualifications
Façade RENEW Architectural Technical Design Assistance Services Issue Date: Friday, October 27, 2017
Due Date: Friday, November 17, 2017

The New Orleans Redevelopment Authority (NORA) requests qualifications from experienced architectural firms to provide technical design assistance to commercial building owners and small businesses applying for façade improvement grants along NORA’s eligible commercial corridors.

Instructions: Respondents shall submit proposals in the following format to NORA, Attention: Lucinda Rachel, 1409 Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard, New Orleans, LA 70113, 504-658-4400, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., not later than Friday, November 17, 2017, by 4:00 PM, (CST):

Five (5) hard copies of the proposal enclosed in a sealed envelope, marked “Façade RENEW Technical Design Assistance Services”. [Note that NORA encourages the use of submittal materials (i.e. paper, dividers, binders, brochures, etc.) that contain post-consumer recycled content and are readily recyclable. NORA discourages the use of materials that cannot be readily recycled such as PVC (vinyl) binders, spiral bindings, and plastic or glossy covers or dividers. Firms are encouraged to print/copy on both sides of a single sheet of paper wherever applicable].

During the period between issuance of this RFQ and the proposal due date, no oral interpretation of the RFQ’s requirements will be given to any prospective offeror. All questions and requests for interpretation must be submitted in writing to Lucinda Rachel, by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at least five (5) days before the submission due date and time. NORA will reasonably attempt to answer questions submitted in advance. All questions and answers will be posted on NORA’s website at in the form of an addendum.

NORA will not accept responses submitted by fax. All responses must be received by NORA on or before the Delivery Deadline. NORA will not consider responses delivered after the deadline.

Brenda M. Breaux Executive Director

File Name: Facade_RENEW_Technical_Design_Assistance_Services_RFQ.pdf
Created Date: 10-27-2017