NORA is committed to the development of residential neighborhoods to ensure that New Orleans remains a desirable and vibrant place to live for residents of all income levels. By providing financing and/or land, we partner with housing developers – both non-profit and for-profit – to build attractive, energy efficient homes in underinvested neighborhoods.
NORA regularly partners with the State of Louisiana, the City of New Orleans, and the Housing Authority of New Orleans to maximize various financial resources in order to pursue creative housing programs that have in the past supported Developers, home buyers, small rental land lords and renters.
Examples of our work include our successful Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP2), which created over 425 units of affordable housing for local residents. And we continue to contribute many of our properties for affordable housing development in neighborhoods across the city.
These residential development investments have a direct, positive impact on the quality of neighborhoods and on the quality of life for the new residents of these homes.
To learn more about NORA’s Affordable Housing Programs, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Chief of Strategy, Programs, and Projects.
To learn more about homes currently for sale through NORA and our partners click here.